

Morning - 3 .5 hours (8:45am - 12:15pm) - $100 per session

Afternoon - 1 hour 50 mins (12:55 - 2:45pm) -$85 per session

Full day (8:45am-2:45pm) - $150 - the best deal per session

The full day has been found to be our most popular enrollment, however mornings and afternoons are also available if this is more suitable. Enrollment must be for the full term (e.g. 10 weeks).




To register your child for a programme, please contact us by

  • phone: (03 441 4615) or

  • email: director@academy-education.co.nz


Advance payment is required for all sessions (and preferably for the term). Terms and conditions are on the enrolment form.

Please add your child's name and course title in the reference field.  

Thank you!